Tubipora musica

Common Name: Open brain coral
Tubipora musica, commonly known as the Organ Pipe Coral, is a unique and fascinating species of coral found in tropical and subtropical regions of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
Basic Water Parameters

8.0 to 8.3

34 - 36ppt

24.0 - 26.0 Celsius
Husbandry Requirements

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Acclimation Guide
- It is highly recommended to acclimate all corals to a new environment to prevent shocking corals.
- Place the corals in the water from the packing bags and slowly add the water from new environment (Dripping method is recommended).
- Use the water parameter above as a guide.
- When the vessel becomes full , replace the water with the new environment water by a small amount at a time.
- Ensure the water temperature matches with the new environment’s water.
- After the corals have spent adequate time in the acclimation water, gently place the corals to a new environment.
- It is recommended to place new corals under lower light intensity than usually required. Once corals show no signs of stress, it can be moved to higher lighting area gradually.”